A Nation In Crisis: America’s Education System Is Broken

www.LearnToLearn.com Globalization has exploded the Information Age. Yet our education system isn’t preparing our children for how to compete in the Global Economy. America is a nation in crisis. Did you know how little media attention this very real crisis receives? Instead of teaching information that’s quickly obsolete, teaching students how to take standardized IQ tests and achievement tests, labeling our children with learning disabilities and prescribing ADHD, ADD and Dyslexia medications, we should be celebrating and building the brainpower of each individual child. Back to school is a nightmare for many parents – watching their child fall further behind – when we can identify learning weaknesses and FIX learning problems at the brain level. Brain fitness is the #1 competitive edge in the 21st century and our children’s brainpower is America’s future. This new brain development science is both effective and affordable. Join the Learn To Learn Revolution – a Parents Revolution today. http

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24 Responses to A Nation In Crisis: America’s Education System Is Broken

  1. smartchickable says:

    And please I’m South Asian and I bring really good test scores.

  2. smartchickable says:

    @XLnotsofunny If one of Shakespeare’s plays was actually made into a tv show, I’d watch it not stupid Jersey Shore.

  3. smartchickable says:

    You are so right. I mean, look how divorce rates are skyrocketing and more kids are being raised by one parent instead of two, and kids are having so many problems at home.

  4. smartchickable says:

    In my school we attend it for eight hours and we still get time to study.

  5. SpicyHam says:

    the kids today are dumber than ever.

  6. germanamericanable says:

    THE FACTS: The OECD world education rankings: UK (ranked 8th): Pct. population with postsecondary education: 37% US (ranked 4th) Pct. population with postsecondary education: 41%. Highest achievement tests for 15 year olds: UK ranked 20th US Ranked 14th.

    This post is garbage propaganda.

  7. r6racer53 says:

    I have said this before and I will say it again!!!
    “When a man is freed of religion, he has a better chance to live a normal and wholesome life.”

  8. r6racer53 says:

    If I had a child they would not be allowed to watch crap like American Idol or MTV.

  9. warren52nz says:

    “When a man is freed of religion, he has a better chance to live a normal and wholesome life.”
    Absolutely! Saying “God dunnit” is the biggest intellectual cop out in history. I mean, why investigate the cosmos and how everything works if you think an invisible, supernatural being WISHED it into existence and has a Master Plan? Your questions are all answered.
    Like my T-Shirt says:
    “Too stupid to understand Science? Try Religion!”

  10. DislikeAndUnsub says:

    I’m forced to take four years of english and one year of art. Really? I cant take another language or math class? This i why this cointry is failing.

  11. eeg10 says:

    Chinese is a written language. Mandarin is a dialect just like Cantonese, Jiangxi dialect, Taiwanese dialect, etc. It’s more like an accent in terms of intonation and pronunciation.

  12. eeg10 says:

    Also, I believe that what we are teaching today is simply not relevant in modern society anymore. Health? Sex ED? Cooking? Woodshop? How many kids do you think can actually find the Taylor series of a function coming out of high school? How many kids can actually tell me what a transistor is, or can explain to me a merge sort algorithm. These are the skills needed in society today, the kinds of skills Google, Philips, Microsoft, etc. all rely upon.

  13. warren52nz says:

    “Chinese is a written language. Mandarin is a dialect just like Cantonese, Jiangxi dialect…”
    Thanks for the correction, sorry for the mistake. 8^)

  14. warren52nz says:

    I worked with a Chinese guy who said that written Chinese is virtually the same in all languages/dialects, even Japanese even though the spoken languages are distinctly different.
    Since then I had some Asians say that’s not true so I don’t really know what to believe.
    I suspect that the written languages are similar and they’re arguing just HOW similar they are.
    Anyone who would like to fill me in, I’d be happy to learn.

  15. eeg10 says:

    Written chinese is kind of the same. You have old Chinese, which is usually used in Taiwan, and the Kanji in Japan which uses old Chinese characters. After the cultural revolution, there was a movement that created a simplified version of Chinese which has since then been accepted as the new national standard which is used in China today. Grammatically though, written Chinese is same throughout and simplified Chinese is fairly similar so yes, your colleague is correct.

  16. eeg10 says:

    Spoken Chinese is vastly different though. China is a big country, much larger than the US with much more history and a far greater population and huge ethnic diversity. As a result, many regions develop their own dialects. Although Mandarin is the official dialect declared during the Cultural revolution, there are many who can’t even speak Mandarin, especially if they live in rural areas. For many younger Chinese, all they may know is Mandarin.

  17. warren52nz says:

    Thanks for that, I appreciate learning the truth.
    And Japanese… is that readable by the Chinese?

  18. eeg10 says:

    Only Kanji is readable because Kanji utilizes old Chinese characters. Hiragana and Katakana are both original to the Japanese language.

  19. rombola19041 says:

    Blacks destroyed the public schools. You can’t redistribute brains and work ethic.

    Can anyone list any school that ever improved with the additjion of blacks?

  20. brayden647 says:

    You Americans may be getting dumber, but a true Canadian knows a marketing scheme when he sees one!

  21. irkiIIer says:

    how about this make school 2 years shorter, make it start for kids at 7 and end at 17, by dumping all the unecessary classes like home economics, art, and all the other nonsensical bullshit. And then make school days shorter, right now theyre way too fuckin long, from 8 to 3?! make it from 9 to 1 or something (4 hours)

  22. irkiIIer says:

    no no do this, from grades 1 to 6 make school 4 hours long and teach math sience history and language (1 hour for each, perfectly makes sense) then grades 6-10 make it 6 hour, 4 hours for the generals and 2 hours for some extra stuff they need like computer classes, p/e, economic classes, woodshop, etc.

  23. EqualsThreeable says:

    that would never help, we need to go longer, kids in other countries don’t even get winter breaks, spring break or even summer breaks. They turn out kids who learn ten times more then america’s students. Length is a problem and its the other way, too short.

  24. riveraes1991 says:

    I feel embarrassed.

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