Secret Service Agent Clint Hill fibs again- watch the JFK films in this clip!

I am credited at the end of this television program, a small sample taped off my own tv in the Fair Use doctrine) Secret Service Agent Clint Hill fibs again…

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11 Responses to Secret Service Agent Clint Hill fibs again- watch the JFK films in this clip!

  1. boris1932 says:

    Good clip Vince! I just get frustrated when any of the agent(s) say this
    about Pres. Kennedy. It’s such a outright lie.

  2. Arjan Hut says:

    Reading your book Survivors Guilt. Every other page or so, I have to take a
    break and cool off.

  3. Hans Trayne says:

    Hill avoided the windshield bullet hole issue. He should have it if it was
    there. If investigative journalists (like Vince) can track down the flight
    mission paperwork info on the pilots, the loadmaster & load crew that flew
    the parade car back to Washington from Dallas, a living former military
    witness might be located. Damaged cargo is a top priority for fed air
    transporters; requiring special handling & waivers.

  4. MrJamesjfk1963 says:

    I totally agree…I have seen Film Footage plus Documentaries that show an
    Agent about
    to Jump onto JFK’s Limo as it leaves Love Field Airport…However…you see
    Agent who is Riding in the Car behind wave at him not to…It then clearly
    shows the Agent
    Lift his hands up in Frustration about 3 times at the Order given to him…

  5. AZ DONALD says:

    hey vince, what do you think of the new book “The Man Who Killed Kennedy:
    The Case Against LBJ”.

    is it worth a read?

  6. Miles Coulson says:

    I saw that tonight and thought “What the fuck. Hill will never tell the

  7. 7071t6 says:

    This is NOT the CAR that JFK was in that DAY in Dallas, it might look it,
    but it was totaly rebiult by ford, not by the company that made it into the
    car that it represented on that day & before that day, to think all the
    Political Assassinations, yet NOT 1 person in a security service that would
    think of, WOW he is the most powerful man on this plant re: 1950/60’s,
    let’s make sure we have the CAR Bullet proof, that way even by chance if
    someone wanted to shoot a penetration bullet even, it wont get through,
    NOPE, we believe in keeping the people of the world in the dark, as to the
    spying, covert action’s of different government’s around the world, Even
    Hitler had a bullet proof car, you would think the rest of the political
    POWER broker’s would have the same for Government CARS ? they made sure it
    was after Dallas, that car is totally bullet proof NOW, so back then they
    had the material, just did not do it, used the Queen Mary till someone said
    we need a new car, i wonder who in the white house ordered it & did not
    think of bullet proofing it, especially with the COLD WAR, even in West
    Berlin, Italy (MOB) he was in a open car, so if the Russians / MOB wanted
    to, they could have shot JFK so easy it’s not funny, NO wait we will get a
    SALT type person called OSWALD to do it & in Dallas where the eyes r never
    off you ?

  8. FakeMoonRocks says:

    Besides the usual “JFK ordered agents off the back of the car” BS rhetoric,
    this 50th anniversary propaganda seems to be pushing an idea that IF there
    was a conspiracy, it must have involved Cuba and/or the Soviets. I’m not
    buying it.

    Congrats on getting published, Vince!

  9. br smith says:

    According to Governor Connally JFK was in Dallas to raise campaign funds
    for 2 Democratic candidates. The White House was trying to bring JFK to
    favor in the eyes of Texas. Even with LBJ on the ticket in ’60, JFK only
    won by 43K votes. The detail was not told by the President not to be on the
    car and they were never told he wanted it as such. If an order came from
    the White house, to them it was the same as if it came from JFK. They were
    attempting to create a friendly atmosphere with the people of Texas and
    putting him in a tin can was not the way to do it. BTW Clint Hill was
    approached to do the Kennedy Detail book and the only way he would
    co-operate was if he was able to fact check it before it was printed. You
    give yourself credit for the book because of a letter you wrote him??????
    Get over yourself. He was a contributor to a fellow agent who had a
    friend’s daughter write the book. Not everything has to be a conspiracy and
    Hill only stated what he knew which doesn’t mean he is “fibbing. Just like
    in 1912 the world learned the hard way to put enough life boats on an
    “unsinkable” ship. In 1963 The USSS learned the hard way to not put a
    President in an open top car. In 2001 The FAA learned the hard way to put
    an adequately secure cockpit door on commercial aircraft. In 2010 BP
    learned the hard way that a $250K safety device could have saved the $42.2
    Billion they have spent so far on the Deepwater Horizon rig. If you want to
    spend your time chasing fantasy and it makes you feel good, by all means do
    it. Just don’t state your opinion as fact when you have only some of the

  10. JJ Anderson says:

    SA Roy Kellerman, in charge of the Presidential Detail, told the WC that
    Kenny O’Donnell told him that morning in Ft Worth that the top was off if
    the weather was fine, and O’Donnell confirmed as much, once again according
    to the WC. Kellerman passed this onto SA Win Lawson in Dallas, but it
    seems that the bubble-top was yet to be removed. In fact, LBJ’s assistant
    Bill Moyers (in Austin at the time) had his assistant take the bubble-top
    off while JFK’s walk-about at Love Field was taking place. Would it have
    made any difference anyway, if it was on? It would have made a front shot
    less likely, but may not have stopped, maybe deflected, a high velocity
    shot from behind. Would Moyers have known that?

  11. andrew gillis says:

    vince you scored again – because Greer says he saw blood on Connally’s
    shirt – and we can easily see when it was that Greer made his one look
    back, via Zapruder (you have to hope, anyway) – and this again will
    underline the first real shock of seeing that film- that JFK ever reached
    for his throat – let alone, as early as he did – at which point Connally,
    as he always said himself, had not been hit -

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