Head of Secret Service addresses US congress

Mark Sullivan, the head of the US Secret Service, has appeared in congress to apologise for the behavior of some of his staff. While on assignment to protect US President Barack Obama in Colombia last month, some agents brought prostitutes to their hotel. And as Al Jazeera’s Kimberly Halkett reports, US politicians don’t seem quite ready to forgive.

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16 Responses to Head of Secret Service addresses US congress

  1. hoosierhiver says:

    Why aren’t they grilling the head of the NYPD?, 8 thousand illegal arrests, that’s really emabrrassing to the country.

  2. northerntropics says:

    Because the NYPD is protecting the banksters. Obama is also protecting the banksters, that is why his security is important.

  3. tacticalminds says:

    Never done before because they wasnt caught before. People are creatures of habit and habits dont just happen once.

  4. chettanavich says:


  5. freesk8 says:

    Why do we care about this event, when the govt continues to bomb people in the Middle East, and overspend and over-print our way in to hyperinflation?

  6. FIZZEL415 says:

    Like troops,they don’t get paid to think they get paid to fuck you up!

  7. roaringwaterbay says:

    that’s a good question. why are we not concentrating on the corruption of the frauds at the top of the food chain, instead of the underlings?

  8. naliuj says:

    whoooo cares

  9. PatriciaMcAll says:

    Many people thought that prostitutes, crack cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, and partying were all part of the secret service’s employment package.

  10. masluxx says:

    So here we have a case of men in uniform tying one on and paying to get laided in a foreign country. So, that has been going on since the first army left it’s first country. Yes, these uniformed men had higher expectation on them. They paid by losing their jobs. Yet some press and the politico’s wish to make a bigger issue out of it. Any veteran of this country, if an honest man, will admit that this sort of thing happens by the tens of thousands every week in the uniformed services.

  11. tank924 says:

    Congress who Embrace Bestiality, what about all the unpaid Goats mad at them.

  12. dallisgillum says:

    screw them all. so tired of their bull-shit. hang all the nazi rat-bastard SOB’s.

  13. Wolfsbane909 says:

    What makes it worse is that all this nastiness could’ve all been avoided if the hookers were actually paid for their work. But no they had to welsh them on the bill.
    Why am I not surprised that those that work for the government can’t be trusted?

  14. selfworm says:

    They hired some prostitutes. Big F-ing deal.

  15. نور سليمان جريفين says:

    “Never done before” lol! Keep telling yourself that! “everyone” believes you

  16. PsychedelicRoadshow says:

    End the deficit – $5 to slap Joe Lieberman in the face.

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