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Category Archives: America’s Politics
Secret Service Men – Capitol Steps
While the president’s away, his secret service agents play around in Colombia. From now on, agents are forbidden from carousing all night, drinking and chasing women… at least until they win their own seat in Congress. Musical political satire by … Continue reading
Man Sues Secret Service (Arrested After Insulting Cheney)
Via NPR: “The US Supreme Court hears arguments Wednesday in a case involving the arrest of a Colorado man who was thrown in jail after telling Vice President Cheney in 2006 that the Bush administration’s policies in Iraq were “disgusting.” … Continue reading
Posted in America's Politics
Tagged cheney arrested, cheney disgusting, cheney insulted, cheney iraq, dick cheney, dick cheney disgusting, insult cheney, iraq war, secret service, steven howards, steven howards cheney, suing secret service, supreme court, supreme court cheney, vice president, vice president cheney
Obama’s Secret Service visits Rudy at 6:00 to 06:25 pm Thursday May 31st
Obama Eligibility Activist LoneStar1776 Visited By Secret Service Agents
Eligibility Activist LoneStar1776(Rudy Davis) Visited By Secret Service Agents: Agent Asks If He Will Be On Youtube; Agent Now On Youtube! www.BirtherReport.com – Filmed on 5 – Hats off to Rudy Davis @ www.youtube.com
Posted in America's Politics
Tagged Activist, Agents, By, Eligibility, lonestar1776, Secret, Service, Visited
Secret Service Boss: ‘I Apologize’
Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan has apologized for the conduct of employees caught up on a Colombia prostitution scandal. Sullivan is testifying to Congress for the first time since the scandal erupted in Cartagena, Colombia. (May 23) Subscribe to the … Continue reading
Head of Secret Service addresses US congress
Mark Sullivan, the head of the US Secret Service, has appeared in congress to apologise for the behavior of some of his staff. While on assignment to protect US President Barack Obama in Colombia last month, some agents brought prostitutes … Continue reading
Secret Service Brags About Protecting Obama
Via ABC News: “ABC News has learned exclusively that the Secret Service officials accused of misconduct in Colombia revealed their identities by boasting at a Cartagena brothel that they worked for President Obama. Partying at the “Pley Club” eleven members … Continue reading