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Category Archives: America’s Economy
Economic collapse leads to America’s new Great Depression
In America today, the growing divide among the people isn’t pitting Democrats against Republicans. Instead the gap seems to separate the haves from the have-nots. George Hemminger of Survive and Thrive TV says that the have-nots aren’t providing enough income … Continue reading
Posted in America's Economy
Tagged bail out, banks, Collapse, Democrats, depression, deutsch bank, Economic, gap, george hemminger, income, lauren lyster, middle class, recession, republicans, Rt, rt America, rt tv, rtamerica, rttv, Russia today, social, survive and thrive, TV, washington dc, working class
Davos Annual Meeting 2009 – Latin America’s Economic Imperative
www.weforum.org 30.01.2009 Latin America’s Economic Imperative Driven by macroeconomic stability and strong commodity prices, Latin America experienced GDP growth of over 5% per annum during the past years and has reduced poverty rates by almost 10% on average. How can … Continue reading
Latin America’s Economic Boom Explained 2 of 2 – BBC News and Documentary
Latin America’s Economic Boom Explained 2 of 2 – BBC News and Documentary, recorded 18.10.2010 A look at how Countries all around Latin America continue to progress economically despite the global Financial Crisis, employing Educational and Micro-Finance Systems to aid … Continue reading
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Tagged $$$, Archive, BBC, Brazil, Building, Chile, colombia, Commerce, Construction, Credit, Culture, Documentary, Economic Boom Explained, education, Events, Film, finance, Funding, History, Housing, IMF, Infrastructure, Investigation, Investment, Latin America, Loans, Markets, Mexico, Micro-Finance, Modern Migrants, Paraguay, Peru, politics, Prestamo, Report, Runi Toconillo, runichannel, runitravel, Social Development, Society, South America, Stimmulus, The other America, Trade, Travel, TV, Uruguay, video, youtube
America s Restaurants Serving Our Nation
This inspirational 6-minute video is a tribute to what restaurants do for our country; their impact on their employees, on careers, on communities and on the nation’s economy. Download your copy to share with others at www.restaurant.org .
Posted in America's Economy
Tagged career, economy, food, foodservice, hospitality., jobs
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9/12/11: America s Unique Hyperinflation Food Scenario-Real vs. Processed
My take…
Posted in America's Economy
Tagged Bernanke, Black, burger, cheese, chicken, co-op, crisis, dad, devalue, drive, eating, economy, endlessmountain, Falls, food, fries, g4t, honestgoldguy, hungry, inflation, kfc, maloney, mcdonald, nia, organic, Pizza, rich, River, ronald, sandwich, scrapgoldbusiness, silverfuturist, Wisconsin
The 2012 NWO Agenda 10/17 ~ America’s Economic Crisis, Homeland Security and Shock Projections
Part 10/17 of: The 2012 NWO Agenda ~ Your World IS Changing by nibirushock / frombabeltoireland. Warning America.. Time to prepare for the Illuminati Operation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do Your Own Research: www.911myths.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All 17 videos may freely be copied and … Continue reading
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Tagged 9/11, analysis, animation, anti-globalists, art, bankers, bush, classic, classical, clinton, commentary, commercial, congress, control, digital, Documentary, face, Financial, Global, globalisation, globalism, government, gun, market, mind, new, news, Obama, order, paintings, political, spirituality, state, stock, street, tazer, video, wall, world
How Free is America’s Economy? The 2011 Index of Economic Freedom
www.heritage.org Is the American Dream dead? How free is America’s economy? Check out the 2011 Index of Economic Freedom for all the answers.
America’s Economic Addiction to War: MICC-TT Part 1/10
Nomorenarcissism: Military, Industrial, Congresssional, Think-Tank Complex (MICC-TT) www.combatreform.com The foundation of American culture is corrupt materialism. False Calvinistic and Methodist “Christianity” that material wealth is good has created greedy individual “robber barons” and soul-less sociopath corporations with piles of money … Continue reading
Posted in America's Economy
Tagged butler, fascism, micc, micc-tt, profiteers, racket, smedley, war
Japan: America’s Lost Decade
Become a member of NIA for free at inflation.us
Posted in America's Economy
Tagged agriculture, decade, deflation, faber, Gold, hendry, hugh, hyperinflation, inflation, japan, lost, marc, Oil, Silver
Joseph Stiglitz on America’s Economic Meltdown
Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz explains what drove the US economy off a cliff and what steps need to be taken to rectify the situation during a Nation Institute panel discussion held to mark the release of a new book: … Continue reading →