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Category Archives: America’s Economy
Market America Leads- How To Get An Endless Supply Of Leads For Market America or Any Business
www.recruitingmadeeasy.net Market America Leads- How To Get An Endless Supply Of Leads For Market America or Any Business http www.simpleandlucrativemoney.com Market America – Your Portal for Internet Shopping Websites Jun 22, 2009 … Market America offers an array of Internet … Continue reading
America’s Bubble Addiction
Does America have a flawed pattern of growth? For over two decades, growth has depended on asset bubbles and rising indebtedness. Business cycle recoveries have been marked by jobless recoveries and stagnant wages for most Americans. The only way to … Continue reading
Posted in America's Economy
Tagged business, China, Cycle, depression, Economic, globalization, Keynesianism, Models, NAFTA, recession, Trade
A Roadmap for America’s Future – Paul Ryan talks w/ Greta Van Susteren
www.americanroadmap.org The actual bill, full legislation, scored by the Congressional Budget Office as paying down the debt, increasing living standards, making Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security permanently solvent. I’ve shown exactly how I would propose to do it. My goal … Continue reading
America’s rich moving jobs out of the country?
When it comes to the US economy, America’s ultra rich look for new and more creative ways to hide their money while millions seek gainful employment. Many American goods are produced abroad – namely in China and India – and … Continue reading
Posted in America's Economy
Tagged China, economy, india, jobs, Karl Denninger, Kristine Frazao, Money, opportunities, politics, poor, rich, rt America, rtamerica, rttv, The Market Ticker, tricks, United States, usa
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Corker Presents The Facts About America’s Debt Crisis
In an excerpt from a presentation delivered August 18, 2010 to the Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce, US Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) uses charts and graphs to illustrate Washington’s spending trends and mounting debt. In early August Senator Corker began crisscrossing … Continue reading
Ron Paul – Unemployment Rate 20%
Ron Paul Says Real Unemployment Figure is 20% (CNN) — A week after proposing his economic recovery plan, Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul said Sunday that the true unemployment rate in the United States is higher than the 9.1% estimated … Continue reading
Posted in America's Economy
America’s ENDTIME! God Judges Israel
The prophecy of Judgement that America misunderstood & took to proclaim reassurance to its people — “The bricks have fallen down, But we will rebuild with smooth stones; The sycamores have been cut down, But we will replace them with … Continue reading
Posted in America's Economy
Tagged 9/11, America, antichrist, Asia, atheist, attack, Australia, Brazil, brooklyn, Canada, Capitol, China, Christ, city, days, economy, education, End, england, Europe, European, funny, Germany, god, Gospel, ground, Hill, Holy, islam, israel, japan, jesus, jew, jewish, judgement, Kingdom, koran, last, Lord, mohammed, muhammed, Nations, new, news, nyc, prophecy, Prophet, quran, russia, Salvation, school, Scripture, skyscraper, Spain, Spirit, street, Sweden, times, Truth, United Kingdom, United States, wall, Weird, Word, world, york, zero
Bank of America’s Bailout Bonanza! – Part 2
Bank of America has certainly been enjoying themselves after receiving billion dollars from the government. From Super Bowl parties to investing in non-American companies, Bank of America has blown money on everything except things that would actually help our economy. … Continue reading