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- LRL on A Black Reporter Summarizes Barack – IMPEACH IN ORDER?
- Unique Fli on CIVIL UNREST and RIOTS Coming as America ‘s Poor Spend 60% of Income on Food and Housing!
- QAM YASHARAHLA on CIVIL UNREST and RIOTS Coming as America ‘s Poor Spend 60% of Income on Food and Housing!
- GMSNORTHCAROLINA24 on CIVIL UNREST and RIOTS Coming as America ‘s Poor Spend 60% of Income on Food and Housing!
- Markus Wolf on Dr. Mahathir Mohamad: America’s Drive towards Global Hegemony, Economic Warfare and Regime Change
Why is he. On tv, not in a secure bunker or island?????? Blah blah blah….
When he starts broadcasting from a underground location I will believe him, not in a $3000 outfit
old..I hate when people “publish” videos as new when it is NOT
He operates in france and london ….research people…..max and gerald celente are very very accurate!
No one can proverbially “Punch a Federal Reserve Leader” in the face unless they want to end up like JFK. Mr. Keiser even said so in another interview. I consider myself a ‘Tea Partier’ and as far as I can figure this now passé Movement is that we want :Small Government, real representation as compared to Lobby-representation, adherence to the Constitution and Justice and Peace. The Coke-Brothers comment may be true but they do not speak for me or the individual Tea Partier.
Gold running down hill Kikester, just the way yur actor ass wants it..
Look at a ten year run of how gold and silver has performed. Every time Obama opens his mouth, i do just the opposite. I just know he lies and it all makes sense when you look at the country like that. When obama says he’s not after your guns, hes after your guns. When he says the economy is improving, the economy is worse than ever. I feel less frustrated coming to terms with these things. question is what do we do about it. because its not just obama, the next guy and next, and next…
Knowing America has always put up w/ systemic corruption, con-games, scandals, illegal wars, torture, crackdowns on political dissent via heavy handed police repression and thousands of other violations, shouldn’t Americans be welcoming the collapse? Things are bad enough. Do you really want that system to stay alive? The same system fucking you over everyday? What’s all the crying about? If the capitalist system breaks down like the Soviet Union, SO WHAT! Capitalism is murder.
Come on, Masonic death cults aren’t all that bad.
more can kicking.
sounds exactly like Krusty the Clown!!!