Fiscal Cliff Aftermath, Future of America’s Economy:’This Week’ Roundtable

George Will, Greta Van Susteren, Gwen Ifill, Robert Reich and Jonathan Karl.

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23 Responses to Fiscal Cliff Aftermath, Future of America’s Economy:’This Week’ Roundtable

  1. 2014coolbird says:

    hey abc maybe obama will call you maybe to talk about it  hahahha

  2. Whatsanewbie says:

    17:54 LOL!! are you sure? What color was their skin?

  3. ArticBeatle says:

    Greta is spot on.

  4. kingAtheistPower says:

    Greta is a fuckin bitch whore

  5. Jose Verduzco says:

    Peace On The Streets, Saaaaaan!!

  6. 1988scottcarey says:


  7. mayela1181 says:

    Does this really mean that the people in the USA were blindsided yet again? Did president Obama betray those who voted for him? Hollywood/corporations will receive a sizable chunk, while the plan continues to take money from social security/medicare? If Obama betrayed the middle class/poor, why are there no protests going on? All of a sudden there seems to be a feeling of having been sucker punched.

  8. sdfkjllshadflhadfshl says:

    Every last Dem leader is on record calling Bush irresponsible for running $150 B deficits.

  9. bestantonio says:



  10. Walhei960 says:

    On Guns. If we are so concerned about life, about children being murdered, why allow 800,000 abortions a year? This is an abomination. It is selective, Politically Correct, outrage. It is about taking guns rights away form Americans, because these Media Elites love European style government. Socialist, Communist, pie in the sky government. These people who push this have no moral rudder because they have no God. Notice Media never tells about people protecting themselves with guns!

  11. biggerturtle says:

    you’d hit it

  12. Bean Cube says:

    Yeah, let’s have guns around and shoot the kids. We can have a competition with the mentally ills. Basically, the 2nd Amendment are protecting us equally except those defenseless school kids. If we can shut down those abortion clinics, we are going to use guns. If our gods are insulted, we are going to use guns. Of course, elections must be determined by who is not being killed in a gun fight primary as intelligent as the intelligent design.

  13. Walhei960 says:

    Wrong. People kill. More people killed with hammers and clubs than with rifles. So you want to outlaw those? You people are so short sighted. Not much about all those babies aborted! Where is your compassion for them? This is a ploy, selective outrage, used to take guns. Very few gun owners are bad. Most are criminals and there are many laws already, not used. Just a deception to disarm Americans. Grow up! Never hear of hundreds protecting themselves from criminals with guns. Media lies!

  14. xzeroe says:


    YouTube: “*VIRAL* Sandy Hook “Tribute” – Released Saturday, November 10, 2012 11:36 AM (vimeo)” OR /watch?v=SzCNBjdBENI

  15. Treq10Cule says:

    Fox News is disgraceful, but for once Greta made (some) common sense… Never thought I’d say that.

  16. wvwildflower236 says:

    My grandpa is right this country has gone to shit in a pretty hand basket.

  17. jannmutube says:

    Here’s a plan: Cut appropriations for interest on required reserves for the banks as it has nothing to do with goods and services and start reducing the amount of reserves. If a business does have a shortfall, give them get a loan at 0% or let them get the interest back as a tax break. Cut the 70 million dollars of appropriations to NASCAR in half and require them to use the remaining money to build electric race cars. Cut the 430 million appropriation to Hollywood by 75%.

  18. jannmutube says:

    The President didn’t say the discussion of revenue was over. The next step of the plan. Cut the $10.8 billion in appropriations for “active financing income” to corporations like GE and JP Morgan that lets U.S. corporations defer taxes on income they earn from their overseas subsidiaries recently extended for 2 years. Close other corporate loop holes.

  19. jannmutube says:

    In addition, cut appropriations for production of assault weapons, rocket launchers, and other weapons of higher killing capacity, and cut funding that extends the Smith-Mundt Act in the 2013 NDAA allowing for pro-American propaganda within U.S. borders.

  20. MonkeyBizShow says:

    ‘Monkey Business’ reported on this, too (S1E1), except that MB coverage is a little offbeat, so MB just reported on the most annoying phrases of 2012 - ‘fiscal cliff’ was voted number one.

    If anyone’s watching the series, it’s MB S1E1. Meanwhile, more ‘Monkey Business’! In MB S1E9 – the trillion-collar coin.

    Marcel proposes a trillion-dollar-coin timeshare: ‘Of course I’ll be back. What on earth am I going to buy with it? A planet?’

  21. alexbu1996 says:

    I checked out this online video since I got genuinely anxious about the economy and had little idea what to do. Hard cash does not mean anything nowadays. Therefore I thought I would do a little research and came across Goldiverse. I am so grateful, I can certainly change my money from cash to all the major currencies, to any precious metal any time I like. The lawmakers can go and take a jump for all I care. Just Google or bing it Goldiverse.

  22. jannmutube says:

    According to Macroeconomics e19, “discretionary fiscal policy (2001-2009) increasingly relied on tax breaks rather than on changes in spending as its main tool.” As Obama said in the 2nd Presidential debate, we need to end tax loopholes to wealthy corporations. It’s the private sector that is taking a disproportionate share of the economy in tax breaks and outdated subsidies to oil companies, etc. Macro economists say cutting spending would raise unemployment and cause a deeper recession.

  23. jannmutube says:

    Will Grover Norquist Republicans allow discretionary fiscal policy to reduce, adjust, or close tax loop holes that pay for wealthy corporations’ jets, will they give oil companies another subsidy on top of their skyrocketing profits, will they allow cuts to the USDA to lay off food inspectors? Tune in next time, for Boehner’s next Fiscal Policy Cliff.

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